Story Park is effectively a shared learning tool that helps develop strong relationships. It’s great for busy, working parents, distant grandparents, and other family/whānau. This is because it includes all the most important people in a child’s life in their learning and discovery, regardless of where they are in New Zealand and around the world.

Story Park daycare portfolio is a secure online network. Photos, videos, and observations can be posted in a child’s ePortfolio within a private and safe learning community. Story Park helps parents/whānau become more involved in their child’s learning, by bridging learning activity during the day in childcare with their home environment.


Story Park helps family/whānau engage in their child’s learning by allowing them to witness their interests, and see what they’re discovering at Our Kids Early Learning Centre, both in real-time. At home, learning can continue by viewing and discussing the material in your child’s ePortfolio, which in turn creates enhanced learning opportunities.

Here are some of the key benefits of Story Park:

Safe & Secure Online Software

Story Park is a safe, secure, and private online software tool, viewable only to invited family, friends, and teachers. Members of the child’s ePortfolio receive instant updates about the child’s learning throughout the day so they can be a part of their child’s development. Story Park ePortfolios support all types of written, still image, audio, and video content.

Empowering Teachers & Parents

Story Park dramatically improves connections between parents, grandparents, wider family/whānau, and teachers by helping increase involvement in each child’s learning. Story Park records and communicates learning as it happens with instant content and feedback. This enables participants in a child’s ePortfolio to plan new ways to explore their unique interests and abilities. Educators can then spend their time with the child more effectively.

An Education Continuum

Story Park helps teachers with children work out the next steps in their learning, so the child can pursue self-directed interests and passions. As well as teachers posting content, parents can also contribute updates on their child’s learning at home. Sharing this information provides Our Kids teachers with an enhanced understanding of the child’s learning. It increases learning opportunities and an education continuum between Our Kids and home environments.